Termos of directory


General Submission Information and Rules

The proposed site must be properly and beautifully described,
description can not consist solely of keywords, and must contain a minimum of 200 characters.
The addition of direct links to the description page.
Do not add to the catalog pages:
- Directing to specific pages, directories and files on the site,
- Redirect to another page,
- Under construction,
- Erotic, pornographic,
- Breaking the law (warez, p2p, drugs, violence,gambling),
- A low content,
- The excessive amount of advertisements that bring users in error,
- Infected with a virus (such as an iframe),
- All Online Pharmacy and Payday Loan sites WILL BE REJECTED.
Editors reserves the right to change the directory title or description page.
Adding an entry to the directory you agree to the provisions of these Regulations.
Fee for adding pages to the directory in no case be refunded.
Waiting time for the consideration of up to 90 days for Regular links with reciprocal. Regular Links up to 7 days, Featured links up to 1 day
Submissions violating the above rules will be automatically rejected, and the money collected for the application site, will not be refunded.
Administration reserves the right to change the regulations. The new rules apply from the moment they are published on this site.


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